Louise Beck Brønnum
Email: louise.beck02@gmail.com
Phone: +45 22 27 58 54
Date of Birth: January the 2nd 1990; Nationality: Danish
University of Copenhagen 2014-16
- MSc. Food Innovation and Health
- Electives: Chemometrics, Cool climate Viticulture Thesis: Tempe, Introducing Tempe to Danish market
Boston University 2015
● Exchange semester at the department of Gastronomy
● Electives: Culinary art LAB, Introduction to Gastronomy, Wine course, Hip Hop, Marathon Training
University of Copenhagen 2010-14
● BSc. Food Science and Technology/ engineer, including half a year internship at Danish Crown.
● Electives: Human physiology, doing entrepreneurship in the food sector (DTU), Food and society Thesis: Microbiology aspects of Gooseberry vinegar production.
Food science and Product development
● Kost Kbh, co-owner Head of product development & gastrophysics (2019-)
● Smag for Livet, part time Research assistant, Coordination between HRS & KU (2019-2021)
● Alchemist Taste Lab, full time Head of Taste Lab, creating, building & opening Alchemist (2018-2019)
● Nordic Food Lab, full time Research assistant, project coordinator, and writtings for Smag for livet (2017-2018)
● Wiik and Co, Part-time Performing qualitative control and risk analyses of engross products (2015)
● UCC Teachers training college, Part-time Teaching Home economics for teacher students (2014)
Food events and Marketing
● Food events and workshops Responsible for creating and executing workshops for kids and adults including (Heartland; farver i mad, 2019 Copenhagen Cooking; pølseworkshop, 2019 Techfestival; foodtech summit, 2019 Jomfruhummerfestival; commentator for the audience, 2012-)
● Food expert in the Danish Radio (DR) program “smagen af Danmark” season 1 & 2
● FAMO A/S, consultant Responsible for PR and creating dinner events (2015-16)
● Gastronomisk Innovation, assistant Coordinating and communicating with chefs (2013-14)
● Danish Crown, consultant Responsible and organising DC participation on FOOD Festival (2013)
● Madkulturen, consultant Assisting and hosting food events such as Spejdernes lejr 2012 (2011-2013)
Organisation and Start-ups:
- La cena Inolvidable, Co-founder and chef Start-up of a POP-up dining experience in Chile (2016-2017)
- Gastronomic Playground, founder and manager Organization for Food science students (2012-2015)
Funded projects:
- Idea, development, and project management of the food science in school project NatMad (financed by Novo Nordisk Foundation 2022-2024)
- Idea, development and project management of the regional food project EGN Lolland-Falster (Financed by Nordea foundation 2020-2023)
- Idea and development of the project MadMagi at restaurant Alchemist ( Financed by Novo Nordisk foundation 2019-2021)
- Own; Sæson, Køkkenfest, Dåseskjul
- Contributed: Blæksprutterne kommer, spis dem! Mums kærlighed – til sidste bid.
- Consultant; American Cookbook, Ambasadørens køkken mfl.
Freelance Articles:
- Gastro magasin; Blækspruttejagt på Sardinien, Hongkongs gadekøkken og verdenskøkken, Tip Top Tapas i Barcelona mlf.
- Smag og behag; Brunt i Brunt, Emulsion er hemmeligheden bag en god mayo, At smage med næsen, Den mikroskopiske fest som skaber mirakler.
Peer reviewed Articles:
- “To Meat or not to Meat” (2020)
- “Holistic Cuisine - A focus beyond the plate” (2019)
- “Squids of the North - Gastronomy and gastrophysics of Danish squid” (2018)
- “Spise blæksprutter – er du mør” (2018)
- “Re-contextualising a novel product. Based on: Initial consideration introducing tempe in Denmark” (2017)
Teaching materials as primary author:
- Pep grønt køkkenet up – med bælgfrugter (smag for livet)
- Ekstraktion (smag for livet)
- Gastrofysik i Madkundskab (Gyldendal)
- Mejeri til Madkundskab (Gyldendal)